Well, I released my e-book into the wild. Over the last few days it has started becoming available on over 15 online distributers. I had to self publish it on Amazon because of a contract detail between my chosen aggregate distributer and them.
Since the book has some links leading to all three of my websites, I decided to push on a bit in case someone looks up one of the sites. I want the Opt In forms working so people can see my progress in their inbox instead of having to come here every few days to look for updates to the sites. It is taking an overwhelming amount of work to get all the plugins for each site, then go through settings for each one. For most, its nice that there are videos all over the place showing how to do everything. Its not nice however, that I have to watch each of those videos on each of the plugins, after researching each plugin to make sure it does what I want without duplicating something a different plugin does.
I hadn’t realized how much I forgot, and how much has changed since before COVID when I had active working websites generating income every month. Most of the plugins are installed, but not set up yet and have to watch those videos on setting them up, as well as making sure none of the plugins has issues with other plugins and the theme I also just installed a few minutes ago. If you understand websites you can feel for me on this. If not, sorry this part is so boring.
In case if you are a church trying to make your own website, or are anyone else trying to set up your own website for that matter, just know that lots of the stuff people make for WordPress, doesn’t play well with other things that other people made for WordPress. If you install something on your website, its on you to make sure it all works. Your momma isn’t here to clean up after you. Those developers are kind of like how one church thinks one thing is important whereas a different church thinks a completely different thing is important.
OK. So the Opt In forms still are not ready for the website. I have to watch an entire set of videos for my email autoresponder. Then a whole different set of videos to see how WordPress works with all this “block” editing instead of the classic editor I used to know how to use. I want to learn what’s popular now because if any of you visit my site that teaches some of the ins and outs of building a website you will also be using the new techniques. How can I teach what I don’t know myself?
Later readers.